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Beach Management Strategies

The efficient utilisation of manpower and resources to reduce the incidence of drowning.

Map-Byron Bay.jpg
Patrolled beach

We can help your Lifeguard Service or Water Safety team reach their potential

Invest in the development of your staff - They are the frontline ambassadors of your organisation and fulfil a crucial responsibility daily when ensuring the safety of your customers.


Past beach management plans

This is your Gallery section paragraph. Use this opportunity to provide background for your showcase of photos and images. Consider explaining why you’ve included this collection of visual media, and provide any relevant details or descriptions.

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Map-Byron Bay.jpg
Map-Blacksmiths 1.jpg

Why review your current service?

  • Successful teams and organisations are always looking to continually improve their service delivery, product.

  • To invest in the development of your staff - They are the frontline ambassadors of your organisation and fulfil a crucial responsibility daily when ensuring the safety of your customers.

  • Being proactive in managing risk.

  • Commitment to staff training, career development and succession planning.

  • Recognising the value of your staff's ideas, feedback.

  • To plan and implement short and long term organisational goals.

  • To develop a plan of management for the future.

Objective of the service review

Organisation's current Service delivery model by identifying efficiency opportunities and providing cost effective, achievable  recommendations. These may include areas such as;

  • staff development

  • procedural documentation

  • service delivery improvements

  • structural improvements

  • cost reduction and/or increases in revenue

  • potential alternate service delivery models

Scope of the service review

Whilst ASCA recommends the Service Delivery Model outlined below, your Organisation ultimately has total control over the detail and depth required when determining the 'scope' of your Service Review.

The Scope would also be governed by the length of time your Lifeguard Service operates. For example many Council's and Resorts now operate 12 months a year whilst smaller Council's may only provide coverage  for the six week Christmas School Holiday period.

The 'Scope' would ultimately focus on;

  • Reviewing and documenting the current service delivery model.

  • Analysing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to the current service provision model.

  • Reviewing your organisation's Legislative obligations and duty of care obligations to determine minimum service levels and potential risk including Occupational Health and Safety.

  • Referencing existing information to guage community and stakeholder expectation for Lifeguard Service activities.

  • Benchmarking your organisation's Lifeguard Service against comparable Resort or Local Government authorities.

  • Recommending the most appropriate model and service levels (including financial monitoring, activities, resource level and management) to maximise efficiencies and deliver appropriate levels of service to your Council's community or Resort's customers.

  • Assessing and making recommendations for qualifications and training requirements for each separate job classification.

  • Identify limitations to the recommended service delivery model.

  • Identify opportunities for career path, staff development and succession planning.

The Service review may link directly to

  • Your Council's/resorts Strategic/Management plan.

  • The Lifeguard Services/Divisional Business plan.

  • 'Project Team' to now read – The Service Delivery project team would include Council/Resort representatives from;

  • Management

  • Lifeguard Service staff

  • Aquatic Safety Consultants Australia (ASCA)

The Service Delivery project team would include Council/Resort representatives from:

  • Management

  • Lifeguard Service staff

  • Aquatic Safety Consultants Australia (ASCA)

And may include Council/Resort representatives from:

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

  • Union


  • Council

  • Management

  • Lifeguard Staff

  • Union 

  • Local Community

  • Local Visitors

  • Local Busineses

  • International Visitors

  • Local Government Politicians

  • State Government Politicians

The process

  1. Initial contact between Aquatic Safety Consultants Australia (ASCA) and client.

  2. Meeting with client to discuss scope, methodology, timeframe for review, schedule of fees agreed to and agreement/contract signed off. (1 day)

  3. Client communicates scope and process of Review to staff and then contact ASCA with Service Review start date.

  4. ASCA interview Management and review all relevant data and documentation provided. (1 day)

  5. ASCA conduct group SWOT Analysis with Lifeguard staff. (1 day)

  6. ASCA conduct individual interviews with Lifeguard staff. (1 day)

  7. ASCA conduct on site inspection/audit of Resort/Coastline, Lifeguard facilities, plant and equipment. Preferably with Lifeguards on duty. (1- 5 days)

  8. ASCA analyse and discuss information collated from Lifeguard staff group/ individual sessions and on site inspection/audit with Management team. (1 day)

  9. ASCA provide document to Management team and Lifeguard staff with recommendations and action plan. Organise follow up date to assess progress with recommendations/action plan.

  10. ASCA conduct follow up inspection to assess progress with recommendations from Service Review.

Expected Results

It's envisaged that the Service Review will raise issues and generate discussion from your staff relating to but not limited to the;

  • Culture of the organisation

  • Leadership styles

  • Staffing levels

  • Hierachial structure

  • Training and Development

  • Recruitment and Selection

  • Statistics, Data management

  • Emergency management link

  • Vision for the future,short term vs long term goals, 2 yr vs 5 yr plan of management.

  • Communication

  • Identity in the community

  • Corporate Sponsorship opportunities

  • Utilisation of the media

  • Plant equipment and facilities

  • Signage

  • Education - Schools programs developed.

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)

  • OHS/Risk mgt

  • Managing change

  • Customer Service

  • Dealing with Conflict

  • Industrial Relations - Job Descriptions

  • Workplace behaviour

Beach Management Strategies: Projects
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